Testimonials from Therapists Trained in the Reconsolidation Therapy™

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Message from Alain Brunet, author and trainer of Reconsolidation Therapy™

I would like to personally thank all the people who have followed my training. Each of you have allowed me to enrich my pedagogical approach to further improve the quality of this teaching, both theoretical and practical.

Help us promote this training!

By training in Reconsolidation Therapy™, you have already enabled hundreds of people to return to a normal life, freeing them from their traumatic emotional memories.

Your testimony is important.

By leaving your opinion on this page, you are testifying to your experience through this training and the practice of Reconsolidation Therapy™. You are helping to make this innovative therapeutic method known to a wider public of professionals, so as to increase the capacity for patient care.

Do not hesitate to share this method around you or between colleagues.

Thank you.

Alain Brunet

Associate Professor of Psychiatry, McGill University,CABA Founding President


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Advice and experiences of Reconsolidation Therapy™ training

Average Rating: 4.8 stars (based on 51 ratings)




Training at the height of committed professionals, Thank you Professor Brunet, a responsive, empathetic team! Thank you Jérémi and Stéphanie, The beginning of a great clinical adventure in the practice of TR, serious, and supervised, This method is based on scientific studies. It is an earthquake in the world of psychology and neuroscience, unite and not confronted! The objective is the study of trauma before and after, hence the interest of the Brunet method for Practitioners . Let’s continue to explore some of the multiple ways of possible passages between worlds that we would sometimes like to separate then, that I think of them as “complementary” in the Name of the Borders and Territory to keep! I recommend this training!

Psychoanalyst, Clinical Psychotherapist

Very interesting and motivating training

Very interesting and motivating training concerning the therapeutic perspectives. I missed a point on the physiological / biological aspect of the mechanism of action of the beta-blocker in relation to the process of memorization. The floor was opened; the practical aspect on the 2nd day makes it possible to highlight the theory explained on the 1st day, which is positive and allows you to gently appropriate the concept.
I am very satisfied overall and I look forward to putting it into practice in order to access supervision later and to share my experiences and my questions.

Melanie Voyer

Excellent training

I am very happy and proud to have been trained in the method of reconsolidation. I think this method is revolutionary in the world of psychiatry. A big thank you to Professor Brunet for his research, his teachings and his availability.

Margot Gadbled
Psychiatric Nurse

Training not to be missed

It was really a great chance to be among the group of Lebanese therapists trained after the explosion in the port of Beirut. Thank you for making your resources available to us. I definitely feel more equipped to help people with PTSD get back to normal life. The trainers are great, even online. They were able to convey the information in a clear, dynamic and interesting way. A training not to be missed.

Charlotte EL Khalil

Innovative theoretical and practical training

The content of the training is very innovative, especially the scientific content. Group work and e-learning coaching are very beneficial and interactive. The advantage of this method is that it reduces the emotional impact of traumatic memories and treats post-traumatic stress states. I encourage all professionals in the field of mental health to pursue this training.

Lara Raad
Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Rigor and flexibility

It is a form of therapy which I have discovered and which I find at the same time rigorous, economical (in every way) and clear. I already have four clients in mind with whom I will develop this approach.
Véronique, the co-trainer, is both rigorous but at the same time very flexible, with a very good experience, connected to the client and to the approach. And all this in humor, humility and pleasure.
From this team emerges respect, knowledge, research, pleasure and attention to detail.
You will see me again in supervision as soon as I have experimented with a few people. I will be an enthusiastic ambassador for this form of therapy but also for the dynamism of the team.
For a 77-year-old, it was a cure of discovery in the pleasure of renewing himself.

Gilles Deslauriers
Psychotherapist (psychoeducator)

Excellent training. I learned a lot.

Excellent training. I learned a lot. Despite a little beginner’s apprehension, the tool is pragmatic and extremely well organized, which excites me to implement it in the unit where I work.

Edith Meriaux
Health executive nurse
CHU Sud La Reunion

Relevant, solid and framing

I leave this training equipped, guided and well informed. I feel that I now have a better sense of self-efficacy (PES) for intervening with PTSD, but also for the evaluation and intervention of several other psychological health concerns. I strongly recommend this training which gives hope on the cure of PTSD.

Marie Anne Bougie
coorg., psychotherapist

Reconsolidation Therapy

Based on the latest discoveries in neuroscience, Reconsolidation Therapy™ has been the subject of much scientific research over the last 20 years, allowing today hindsight in its high efficiency. This innovative treatment method involves taking a beta-blocker (propranolol) before each 25 min. therapy session.

Reconsolidation Therapy™ aims to treat Trauma- and Stressor-related Disorders (DSM-5, 2013), like posttraumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorder, complicated grief. These disorders are typically caused by an emotional shock such as losses, bereavements, accidents, assaults, attacks, natural disasters, etc.

Training content

The training is taught in small groups by a clinician with extensive experience in using Reconsolidation Therapy™. This accredited course includes 16 hours of lessons (in person or online), spread over 2.5 days. It comes with a 6-hour academic reading program (in English), a copy of the ppt slides, and a personalized, reusable copy of the three step-by-step treatment protocols (Dx, Rx and Tx).

Cancellation and refund conditions

If the trainee cannot attend part of the training or all of the training, they will be offered the options to:

  • Postpone the training to a later date;
  • Attend the part of the training, which could not be followed, at a later date.

All sales are final. No refunds can be made by the training organization.

Responsibility of the training organisation/trainer (except in cases of force majeure)

If the trainer cannot give the training, the trainee will be offered a:

  • Substitute teacher: the trainee remains free to refuse this replacement;
  • Report of the training (the entirety of the training or only the sections missed of the training);
  • Reimbursement of the entire training

No financial compensation, other than the reimbursement of the training, will be paid by the training organization in the event of cancellation of the training.

Force majeure clause for the training organization (the service provider)

In cases of force majeure (transportation, strike, pandemic, pandemic, illness/accident of the trainer or a member of their family, natural disaster, failure to obtain visas, work permits or other permits, laws or regulations introduced subsequently, interruption of telecommunications, energy supply, communications or transport of any kind, or any other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the provider – a non-exhaustive list, the training organization cannot be held responsible for the cancellation or postponement of the training. The trainee will be offered a:

  • Reimbursement for training;
  • Substitute teacher: the trainee remains free to refuse this replacement;
  • Postponement of training (the entirety of the training or only the sections missed of the training).

No financial compensation other than the reimbursement of the training will be paid by the training organization in the event of cancellation of the training.

Case of force majeure clause for the trainee (the client)

In cases of force majeure (transportation, strike, pandemic, illness/accident of the trainee or a member of their family, natural disaster, failure to obtain visas, work permits or other permits, laws or regulations subsequently introduced, interruption of telecommunications, energy supply, communications or transportation of any kind, or any other circumstances beyond the trainee's reasonable control – a non-exhaustive list) , the trainee cannot be held responsible for their absence (a supporting document will be requested: doctor's note, etc.). The trainee will be offered a:

  • Reimbursement for training;
  • Training report (the entirety of the training or only the sections missed of the training).

No financial compensation other than the reimbursement of the training will be paid by the training organization in the event of cancellation of the training.

An approved training organization

CABA (CONSULTANTS ALAIN BRUNET & ASSOCIATES) Inc. is a business registered in Québec (Canada) that offers accredited training to mental health professionals. In Québec, the training is accredited by the Quebec Board of Psychologists and, by extension, by all Boards of professionals in the province of Québec. In the rest of Canada, the training is recognized by the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA).

In Switzerland, the trainings are recognized by the Fédération Suisse des Psychologues (FSP). For all other cases, we recommend that you check with your professional association whether you can obtain continuing education credits before you register for any training.

Who Should Attend ?

All professionals who can legally practice psychotherapy in their jurisdiction may attend this training. This typically includes board registered physicians (general practitioners and psychiatrists), psychiatric nurses, social workers,
psychologists, counselors, sexologists, and psychotherapists. It is not necessary to have prescribing privileges to attend the training or to use Reconsolidation Therapy™.

Reconsolidation Therapy

Based on the latest discoveries in neuroscience, Reconsolidation Therapy™ has been the subject of much scientific research over the last 20 years, allowing today hindsight in its high efficiency. This innovative treatment method involves taking a beta-blocker (propranolol) before each 25 min. therapy session.

Reconsolidation Therapy™ aims to treat Trauma- and Stressor-related Disorders (DSM-5, 2013), like posttraumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorder, complicated grief. These disorders are typically caused by an emotional shock such as losses, bereavements, accidents, assaults, attacks, natural disasters, etc.

Training content

The training is taught in small groups by a clinician with extensive experience in using Reconsolidation Therapy™. This accredited course includes 18 hours of lessons (in person or online), spread over 2 days, with an additional third day consisting of online supervision sessions with the trainer (selected at a later date). It comes with a 6-hour academic reading program (in English), a copy of the ppt slides, and a personalized, reusable copy of the three step-by-step treatment protocols (Dx, Rx and Tx).

Spécificités de la thérapie de la reconsolidation

Basée sur les dernières découvertes en neurosciences, la thérapie innovante de la Reconsolidation™ a fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches scientifiques permettant aujourd’hui un recul sur son efficience. Cette méthode associe la prise d’un agent pharmacologique à une psychothérapie brève.

Elle vise à traiter les troubles engendrés par des chocs émotionnels intenses (pertes, deuils, accidents, agressions, attentats, catastrophe naturelle). S’attachant à réparer les troubles post-traumatiques, elle est le marqueur d’un protocole thérapeutique innovant.

Contenu de la formation

La formation à la Méthode Brunet™ comprend 16 heures de cours, réparties sur 2,5 jours. Elle est assortie d’un programme de lecture de 6 heures (en anglais).

Pour connaitre avec précision le contenu de la formation et le programme d’apprentissage intégral, cliquez sur le lien de la page détaillée.

Elle vise à traiter les troubles engendrés par des chocs émotionnels intenses (pertes, deuils, accidents, agressions, attentats, catastrophe naturelle). S’attachant à réparer les troubles post-traumatiques, elle est le marqueur d’un protocole thérapeutique innovant.

A qui s’adresse cette formation ?

  • à tous les médecins (généralistes et psychiatres)
  • infirmiers, autres professionnels para-médicaux, travailleurs sociaux susceptibles de prendre en charge des patients atteints de troubles de SPT
  • aux psychologues, psychothérapeutes,
  • aux autres professionnels / thérapeutes : déjà formés aux TCC, à l’hypnothérapie, à l’EMDR, à la sexologie, à l’art-thérapie, à la psychanalyse, …

Cette formation permet d’apprendre à utiliser la Thérapie de la Reconsolidation™ appliquée à la résolution des traumas.

Un organisme de formation agréé

CABA (Les Consultants Alain Brunet et Associés) Inc. est une entreprise du Québec (Canada) qui propose des formations aux professionnels en santé mentale. Au Québec, les formations de CABA sont accréditées par l'Ordre des psychologues du Québec (OPQ) et, par extension, par TOUS les ordres professionnels du Québec. Au Canada les formations sont reconnues par la Société Canadienne de Psychologie (SCP).

CABA Inc. a obtenu l’agrément d’Organisme de Formation enregistré en France sous le NDA 93990559883. Les formations sont reconnues par le Datadock (France).

En Suisse, les formations de CABA Inc. sont reconnues par la Fédération Suisse des Psychologues (FSP). Pour les autres cas de figure, nous vous recommandons de vérifier avec votre association professionnelle de la reconnaissance desdits crédits avant de vous inscrire.

Possibilité de prise en charge de votre formation

En France, le professionnel installé en exercice libéral au moment de la formation peut faire une demande de financement de sa formation par le FIF-PL.

Vous trouverez de l’information sur le site www.fifpl.fr.

La formation sera bientôt éligible dans le cadre du Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF).

Conditions d'annulation et de remboursement

Si le stagiaire ne peut assister à une partie de la formation ou à la totalité de la formation : 

  • Il lui sera proposé, à la discrétion de CABA Inc. :
    •  un report de la formation à une date ultérieure.
    • d’assister à la partie de la formation qui n’a pas été suivie.
    • Aucun remboursement ne pourra être réalisé par l’organisme de formation.


Responsabilité de l’organisme de formation :

  • Si le formateur ne peut pas dispenser la formation, il sera proposé au stagiaire, à la discrétion de CABA Inc. : 
    • Un enseignant remplaçant.
    • Un report de formation (de la totalité de la formation ou seulement les heures manquantes de formation).
    • Un remboursement de la totalité de la formation. 
    • Aucun dédommagement financier autre que le remboursement de la formation ne sera payé par l’organisme de formation en cas d’annulation de la formation.