Reconsolidation Therapy™ in the Press

In recent years, Alain Brunet’s Reconsolidation Therapy™ has enjoyed a wealth of media exposure validating the therapy by highlighting the numerous clinical trials and scientific publications dedicated to the treatment. The therapy has been covered in detail and referred to by both the general and scientific press as a first-line therapy for large-scale traumatic events in the future.

Escaping the dark: Helping terror attack victims with post-traumatic stress

Text excerpt: Brunet says the beauty of the treatment is not just that it works – there are other treatments, particularly cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), that work well. But CBT requires a lot of expertise, he says. It’s a sophisticated treatment that requires years of training. His method, by contrast, can be taught to any clinician – and in the case of a mass attack that left hundreds or thousands traumatised, it could be widely and quickly deployed.

Nick Miller

The Sydney Morning Herald, August 2017

How Our Brains Make Memories

Surprising new research about the act of remembering may help people with post-traumatic stress disorder

Brunet has just completed a larger study with nearly 70 PTSD patients. Those who took propranolol once a week for six weeks while reading the script of their traumatic event showed an average 50 percent reduction in standard PTSD symptoms. They had fewer nightmares and flashbacks in their daily lives long after the effects of the drug had worn off. The treatment didn’t erase the patients’ memory of what had happened to them; rather, it seems to have changed the quality of that memory. “Week after week the emotional tone of the memory seems weaker,” Brunet says. “They start to care less about that memory.”

Greg Miller

Smithsonian Magazine, May 2010

Can a blood pressure drug help ease the painful memory of an ex?

Text excerpt: “Often when you recall memory, if there’s something new to learn, this memory will unlock and you can update it, and it will be saved again,” the Canadian clinical psychologist tells the BBC. That process of reconsolidation creates a window of opportunity to target the highly emotional portion of that memory. “We’re using this enhanced understanding on how memories are formed and how they are unlocked and updated and saved again – we’re essentially using this recent knowledge coming out of neuroscience to treat patients,” says Dr Brunet. His work has often been compared to the science fiction film Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, where an estranged couple have their memories of each other erased, though Dr Brunet notes memories aren’t gone after reconsolidation therapy, they just stop hurting.

Jessica Murphy

BBC News, February 2020

Illuminating Canadian documentary puts spotlight on PTSD

Text excerpt: Dr. Alain Brunet, director of the Psychosocial Research Division at Montreal’s Douglas Institute and a psychology professor at McGill, found success in treating Guiolet, the chef witness to the November 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris, with the beta-blocker Propranolol all the while reawakening his memories of the event.

Bill Brownstein

Montreal Gazette, February 2017

Heal your broken heart with science — plus ice cream and good wine

Scientists in a new documentary offer their best advice for getting over a breakup
Text excerpt: In a treatment method called “reconsolidation therapy,” patients are given propranolol, a medication normally used to treat high blood pressure, and then are asked to recount the experience of their breakup, reliving the painful memories and emotions over several sessions. In the end, the emotional trauma of the breakup is lessened, but the memory remains.

CBC Docs

CBC Docs, February 2024

Alain Brunet: A Psychologist Fighting Against Trauma

In the December issue titled “These Heroes Who Change the World”, Alain Brunet was mentioned in the section “Repair the Living”, as one of the 16 people who is changing the world: “His treatment erases the pain associated with a terrible memory”.

Eric Meÿer

Editor-in-chief, GEO Magazine - Out of series December 2017

Dr. Alain Brunet discusses the use of Reconsolidation Therapy™ for heartbreak on the Savage Lovecast

The psychiatrist who heals the memories after the terrorist attacks

In the early stages of establishing his innovative treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this Quebec psychologist came to France to offer his help after the terrorist attacks of November 13, 2015… Dr. Alain Brunet became one of the leading specialists of PTSD, for which he developed an amazing treatment. The central concept is to combine psychotherapy with the reactivation of a traumatic memory using a beta-blocker. The beta-blocker is a drug that decreases the intensity of emotions associated with a memory. The French media discovered the Brunet Method™ in mid-April when the researcher from McGill University came to Paris to present his project, “Paris MEM.” This study involves testing hundreds of individuals suffering from PTSD, mainly due to the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of November 13, 2015.
For the clinician and humanitarian, it is “an opportunity to get people back on their feet in record time after a large-scale event and to validate the use of Reconsolidation Therapy™ on a large scale.”

Sandrine Cabut

Journalist, Le Monde - 06/06/2016

Following Attacks: the Miracle Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Two 27-year-old friends survived the fatal terrorist attacks on November 13, 2015. They did so by “taking advantage” of that moment when the terrorists reloaded their weapons, and the two friends escaped the Bataclan … Within the next few months, they developed post-traumatic stress disorder. Since then, these two victims are feeling better. “Actually, spectacularly better.” This summer, the two survivors were among the first to participate in an important clinical study put in place by the Paris Hospital Network (AP-HP). About fifty patients – and 400 more to come – are participating in the study and will receive the new treatment. The breakthrough therapy was not created to help patients forget the terrorist attacks, but to alleviate the psychological consequences. “We interfere at the moment when the memory shifts from the short-term memory to long-term memory by reducing its intensity,” explains Dr. Alain Brunet, a trauma specialist at McGill University in Montreal and the co-head of the program. “We want to make sure that the traumatic memory becomes a mere bad memory … a bit like the memory of an ex-boyfriend.” …

“This is the largest study on the subject taking place on an international level. The results will be useful in advancing the treatment for victims of terrorist attacks around the world.”

Florence Méréo

Journalist, Le Parisien - 05/11/2016

It may be possible to ‘alter’ memories of heartbreak so they hurt less, research finds

It’s now possible to alter memories of severe heartbreak to lessen the emotional pain associated with them, according to research by a McGill University team.

“It does, a little bit, sound like science fiction, but it no longer is,” Alain Brunet, a professor of psychiatry at McGill’s Douglas Research Centre, told The Current’s interim host Laura Lynch…

Allie Jaynes

Journalist, CBC RADIO - Dec 02, 2019

Can a blood pressure drug help ease the painful memory of an ex?

A Montreal researcher says he has found a way to take the emotional sting out of a bad breakup by “editing” memories using therapy and a beta-blocker.

Dr. Alain Brunet has spent over 15 years studying post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), working with combat veterans, people who have experienced terror attacks and crime victims.

Jessica Murphy

Journalist, BBC - February, 12 - 2020

A Treatment that Heals the Memory of Victims

Psychologist Alain Brunet has developed a new revolutionary therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder. It was tested on the victims of the Paris and Nice terrorist attacks that took place on November 13, 2015, and July 14, 2016, respectively.

Elodie Lepage

Journalist, L'OBS - 14/09/2017

How a PTSD expert developed a viable cure for heartbreak

Everyone will experience heartbreak during their lives, but some breakups are more serious than others. For example, discovering that your long-term partner is leading a double life can cause severe trauma.

In his lab at McGill University in Montréal, Canada, Brunet studies victims of “romantic betrayals” using reconsolidation therapy…

Pauline BOCK

WIRED - June, 26 - 2019

A Miracle Treatment against PTSD

A Canadian psychiatrist advocates the use of a beta-blocker-based therapy that “blocks certain brain proteins that help an emotional memory materialize.” The highly-publicized clinical trial is currently underway.

Eric Favereau

Journalist, Libération - 18/09/2017

If you could erase the worst memory of your life, would you? Scientists are working on a pill for that

The 60 souls that signed on for Dr. Alain Brunet’s memory manipulation study were united by something they would rather not remember. The trauma of betrayal.

For some, it was infidelity and for others, a brutal, unanticipated abandonment. “It was like, ‘I’m leaving you. Goodbye,” the McGill University associate professor of psychiatry says…

Sharon Kirkey

Journalist, NATIONAL POST - Nov 01, 2019

A New PTSD Treatment for Victims of Terrorist Attacks

People suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following the terrorist attacks in Paris last year can benefit from a new therapy developed in Canada.



What does the Scientific Media say about it?

Alain Brunet’s Reconsolidation Therapy has been the subject of much attention in many health journals. It has piqued their interest due to its importance in terms of public health. This treatment brings hope to patients with PTSD.

Post-traumatic stress disorder: A cure?

Following the tragic terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015, many people – both directly and indirectly affected – have developed PTSD. Touched by this terrible news, Alain Brunet, the Director of research in psychotraumatology at McGill University (Montreal, Canada) and a specialist in trauma for more than 15 years, offered his support to the Director of the Paris Hospital Network (AP-HP). “Psychiatry is not suited to the management of mass trauma,” he says. His objective is to train staff with his innovative method voluntarily.

The goal is twofold: to train staff and to advance research, with the added possibility of evaluating this method on a larger scale. The doctors involved aim to include 400 patients in their study, with the hope to compare Brunet’s method with other forms of treatment (antidepressants and psychotherapy).

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a memory-related disorder, says Dr. Brunet: “Someone who suffers from it feels like they are in the movie, ‘A Day Without End,’ where a single day is repeated constantly.” Dr. Brunet’s therapy presents an approach that seems to be paying off.

Stéphane Desmichelle

Journalist, Sciences et Avenir - 13/04/2016

An innovative therapy for treating post-traumatic stress

An innovative therapy, combining medication and psychotherapy, has been developed to treat post-traumatic stress.

Following the tragic terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015, many people – both directly and indirectly affected – have developed PTSD. Touched by this tragic news, Alain Brunet, the Director of research in psychotraumatology at McGill University (Montreal, Canada) and a specialist in trauma for more than 15 years, offered his support to the Director of the AP-HP, Martin Hirsch. “Psychiatry is not suited to the management of mass trauma,” he says. His objective is to voluntarily train staff with the innovative method that he has put in place to take care of patients.

The goal is twofold: to train staff and to advance research (with the added possibility of evaluating the method on a larger scale). The doctors involved aim to include 400 patients in their study, with the hope of comparing Dr. Brunet’s method with other forms of treatment (antidepressants and psychotherapy).

Writing - 12/09/2017

Testimonials from patients who have been treated

What do they think about this therapy and what progress have they seen?

Reconsolidation Therapy

Based on the latest discoveries in neuroscience, Reconsolidation Therapy™ has been the subject of much scientific research over the last 20 years, allowing today hindsight in its high efficiency. This innovative treatment method involves taking a beta-blocker (propranolol) before each 25 min. therapy session.

Reconsolidation Therapy™ aims to treat Trauma- and Stressor-related Disorders (DSM-5, 2013), like posttraumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorder, complicated grief. These disorders are typically caused by an emotional shock such as losses, bereavements, accidents, assaults, attacks, natural disasters, etc.

Training content

The training is taught in small groups by a clinician with extensive experience in using Reconsolidation Therapy™. This accredited course includes 16 hours of lessons (in person or online), spread over 2.5 days. It comes with a 6-hour academic reading program (in English), a copy of the ppt slides, and a personalized, reusable copy of the three step-by-step treatment protocols (Dx, Rx and Tx).

Cancellation and refund conditions

If the trainee cannot attend part of the training or all of the training, they will be offered the options to:

  • Postpone the training to a later date;
  • Attend the part of the training, which could not be followed, at a later date.

All sales are final. No refunds can be made by the training organization.

Responsibility of the training organisation/trainer (except in cases of force majeure)

If the trainer cannot give the training, the trainee will be offered a:

  • Substitute teacher: the trainee remains free to refuse this replacement;
  • Report of the training (the entirety of the training or only the sections missed of the training);
  • Reimbursement of the entire training

No financial compensation, other than the reimbursement of the training, will be paid by the training organization in the event of cancellation of the training.

Force majeure clause for the training organization (the service provider)

In cases of force majeure (transportation, strike, pandemic, pandemic, illness/accident of the trainer or a member of their family, natural disaster, failure to obtain visas, work permits or other permits, laws or regulations introduced subsequently, interruption of telecommunications, energy supply, communications or transport of any kind, or any other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the provider – a non-exhaustive list, the training organization cannot be held responsible for the cancellation or postponement of the training. The trainee will be offered a:

  • Reimbursement for training;
  • Substitute teacher: the trainee remains free to refuse this replacement;
  • Postponement of training (the entirety of the training or only the sections missed of the training).

No financial compensation other than the reimbursement of the training will be paid by the training organization in the event of cancellation of the training.

Case of force majeure clause for the trainee (the client)

In cases of force majeure (transportation, strike, pandemic, illness/accident of the trainee or a member of their family, natural disaster, failure to obtain visas, work permits or other permits, laws or regulations subsequently introduced, interruption of telecommunications, energy supply, communications or transportation of any kind, or any other circumstances beyond the trainee's reasonable control – a non-exhaustive list) , the trainee cannot be held responsible for their absence (a supporting document will be requested: doctor's note, etc.). The trainee will be offered a:

  • Reimbursement for training;
  • Training report (the entirety of the training or only the sections missed of the training).

No financial compensation other than the reimbursement of the training will be paid by the training organization in the event of cancellation of the training.

An approved training organization

CABA (CONSULTANTS ALAIN BRUNET & ASSOCIATES) Inc. is a business registered in Québec (Canada) that offers accredited training to mental health professionals. In Québec, the training is accredited by the Quebec Board of Psychologists and, by extension, by all Boards of professionals in the province of Québec. In the rest of Canada, the training is recognized by the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA).

In Switzerland, the trainings are recognized by the Fédération Suisse des Psychologues (FSP). For all other cases, we recommend that you check with your professional association whether you can obtain continuing education credits before you register for any training.

Who Should Attend ?

All professionals who can legally practice psychotherapy in their jurisdiction may attend this training. This typically includes board registered physicians (general practitioners and psychiatrists), psychiatric nurses, social workers,
psychologists, counselors, sexologists, and psychotherapists. It is not necessary to have prescribing privileges to attend the training or to use Reconsolidation Therapy™.

Reconsolidation Therapy

Based on the latest discoveries in neuroscience, Reconsolidation Therapy™ has been the subject of much scientific research over the last 20 years, allowing today hindsight in its high efficiency. This innovative treatment method involves taking a beta-blocker (propranolol) before each 25 min. therapy session.

Reconsolidation Therapy™ aims to treat Trauma- and Stressor-related Disorders (DSM-5, 2013), like posttraumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorder, complicated grief. These disorders are typically caused by an emotional shock such as losses, bereavements, accidents, assaults, attacks, natural disasters, etc.

Training content

The training is taught in small groups by a clinician with extensive experience in using Reconsolidation Therapy™. This accredited course includes 18 hours of lessons (in person or online), spread over 2 days, with an additional third day consisting of online supervision sessions with the trainer (selected at a later date). It comes with a 6-hour academic reading program (in English), a copy of the ppt slides, and a personalized, reusable copy of the three step-by-step treatment protocols (Dx, Rx and Tx).

Spécificités de la thérapie de la reconsolidation

Basée sur les dernières découvertes en neurosciences, la thérapie innovante de la Reconsolidation™ a fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches scientifiques permettant aujourd’hui un recul sur son efficience. Cette méthode associe la prise d’un agent pharmacologique à une psychothérapie brève.

Elle vise à traiter les troubles engendrés par des chocs émotionnels intenses (pertes, deuils, accidents, agressions, attentats, catastrophe naturelle). S’attachant à réparer les troubles post-traumatiques, elle est le marqueur d’un protocole thérapeutique innovant.

Contenu de la formation

La formation à la Méthode Brunet™ comprend 16 heures de cours, réparties sur 2,5 jours. Elle est assortie d’un programme de lecture de 6 heures (en anglais).

Pour connaitre avec précision le contenu de la formation et le programme d’apprentissage intégral, cliquez sur le lien de la page détaillée.

Elle vise à traiter les troubles engendrés par des chocs émotionnels intenses (pertes, deuils, accidents, agressions, attentats, catastrophe naturelle). S’attachant à réparer les troubles post-traumatiques, elle est le marqueur d’un protocole thérapeutique innovant.

A qui s’adresse cette formation ?

  • à tous les médecins (généralistes et psychiatres)
  • infirmiers, autres professionnels para-médicaux, travailleurs sociaux susceptibles de prendre en charge des patients atteints de troubles de SPT
  • aux psychologues, psychothérapeutes,
  • aux autres professionnels / thérapeutes : déjà formés aux TCC, à l’hypnothérapie, à l’EMDR, à la sexologie, à l’art-thérapie, à la psychanalyse, …

Cette formation permet d’apprendre à utiliser la Thérapie de la Reconsolidation™ appliquée à la résolution des traumas.

Un organisme de formation agréé

CABA (Les Consultants Alain Brunet et Associés) Inc. est une entreprise du Québec (Canada) qui propose des formations aux professionnels en santé mentale. Au Québec, les formations de CABA sont accréditées par l'Ordre des psychologues du Québec (OPQ) et, par extension, par TOUS les ordres professionnels du Québec. Au Canada les formations sont reconnues par la Société Canadienne de Psychologie (SCP).

CABA Inc. a obtenu l’agrément d’Organisme de Formation enregistré en France sous le NDA 93990559883. Les formations sont reconnues par le Datadock (France).

En Suisse, les formations de CABA Inc. sont reconnues par la Fédération Suisse des Psychologues (FSP). Pour les autres cas de figure, nous vous recommandons de vérifier avec votre association professionnelle de la reconnaissance desdits crédits avant de vous inscrire.

Possibilité de prise en charge de votre formation

En France, le professionnel installé en exercice libéral au moment de la formation peut faire une demande de financement de sa formation par le FIF-PL.

Vous trouverez de l’information sur le site

La formation sera bientôt éligible dans le cadre du Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF).

Conditions d'annulation et de remboursement

Si le stagiaire ne peut assister à une partie de la formation ou à la totalité de la formation : 

  • Il lui sera proposé, à la discrétion de CABA Inc. :
    •  un report de la formation à une date ultérieure.
    • d’assister à la partie de la formation qui n’a pas été suivie.
    • Aucun remboursement ne pourra être réalisé par l’organisme de formation.


Responsabilité de l’organisme de formation :

  • Si le formateur ne peut pas dispenser la formation, il sera proposé au stagiaire, à la discrétion de CABA Inc. : 
    • Un enseignant remplaçant.
    • Un report de formation (de la totalité de la formation ou seulement les heures manquantes de formation).
    • Un remboursement de la totalité de la formation. 
    • Aucun dédommagement financier autre que le remboursement de la formation ne sera payé par l’organisme de formation en cas d’annulation de la formation.