Testimonials from Patients who have Undergone Reconsolidation Therapy™

Since developing Reconsolidation Therapy™, Dr. Alain Brunet has seen and treated hundreds of patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. With numerous published clinical trials, Dr. Brunet has demonstrated the effectiveness of his therapeutic method to the scientific community by successfully treating 70% of patients who can say they no longer suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Testimonials from the Victims of Attacks Included in the “Paris Mémoire Vive” Protocol

Following the attacks in Paris, Alain Brunet proposed to use his therapy on a larger scale by treating the numerous patients suffering from PTSD. A protocol which was the first of its kind, “Paris Mémoire Vive“, was set up in France in May 2016. With the protocol in place, 400 patients were treated using BJrunet’s reconsolidation method. 200 physicians were trained in the Brunet Method™ and 20 Parisian hospitals integrated this innovative therapeutic trial. The victims’ stories and testimonies, as well as the doctors’ impressions, are described below.

Before following Dr. Brunet’s protocol, any daily occurrence, even the most ordinary, would trigger my memories of the attack. I had lumps in my throat, palpitations, headaches, the sweats and I broke down regularly.

I had sleepless nights filled with insomnia and nightmares. My fear of public spaces prevented me from working at my job as a sales assistant in a department store.

Now, after six weeks of treatment, I can go outside without jumping at the slightest sound. I can drive again without feeling stressed. I returned to work and can cope with the ambient noise of the crowd. I enjoy walking in the Old Nice and going for drinks on a terrace with friends. I can fall asleep without the fear of having a nightmare.

A weight was lifted off of my shoulders, which allowed me to move forward. I am confident about my future, even though I will never forget the event, as it will always be a part of me.


A victim from the Nice attacks on July 14, 2016.

Doctors’ Opinions of Emmanuel’s Treatment

By the end of the fourth week, Emmanuelle improved. According to the figures analyzed by the doctors, the intensity of Emmanuelle’s symptoms decreased substantially. She was already below the threshold (under 44), which allows doctors to diagnose a patient in a state of post-traumatic stress. Her symptoms have also decreased by more than 50%.

A week after her 6th session, Emmanuelle attended a final meeting to evaluate her progress. Her psychiatrist, who agreed to participate in the protocol and treatment using Reconsolidation Therapy™, was surprised by the results. The treatment proves to be effective, showing satisfactory results in a short period of time when compared to conventional psychotherapies: “In just six weeks, we saw an improvement that could not be obtained within six months of traditional therapy.”

After witnessing what was described as a war zone near his home, Max returned to the Café de la Bonnebière, where five lives were taken. Three months after completing his treatment, Max was able to return to the scene; something he never thought he would be able to do.

He remembers Lucie, a woman he helped. He held her hand and comforted her until help arrived. “I constantly have these memories in my head. However, what changed for me is that I am able to talk about it without having this pain, this stress. I no longer have the same film playing in a constant loop in my head, day and night.

Today I feel very good, both during the day and night. Although the memory will always remain, the treatment relieved the rumination and intensity of my emotions attached to the memory.


A victim of the Paris attacks on November 13, 2015.

Doctors’ Diagnosis of Max’s Treatment

For the first time in six months since completing his treatment, Max reads his story to the doctor, retelling his experience from November 13, 2015. What kind of impact do his emotions have on his memory? During this evaluation, the doctor can make his final assessment. When Max reread his account of the violent scenes, he says “It still scares me, but before I couldn’t even read it, even though I was the one who wrote it.” Max also completes the questionnaire on PTSD:

During the last week, to what extent have you been affected by these stressful episodes? “Not at all”
During the last week, to what extent have you been disturbed by repeated dreams? “Not at all”
During the last week, to what extent have you abruptly felt like this stressful episode would reoccur? “Not at all”.

Max’s score on the questionnaire indicates a near absence of symptoms. His doctor concludes that overall, Max has returned to an almost normal state.

Description of the Diagnosis and the Reconsolidation Method

An event is considered “traumatic” when a person is confronted with death, the fear of dying, or when their physical integrity or that of another person is threatened. Physicians must first establish a PTSD diagnosis and then apply the Reconsolidation Psychotherapy Protocol.

Eligibility for the therapeutic protocol

The goal of physicians is to ensure that the symptoms are only related to an experienced event, as the treatment is only intended to treat a specific emotional memory.

Here are some examples of questions physicians ask their patients to determine on a psychometric scale if the person actually has PTSD, and if they are eligible for the therapeutic protocol:

  • Do you feel deeply hurt when confronted with cues that remind you of the traumatic event?
  • Do you sleep well? Do you have difficulty falling asleep?

Description of the Therapeutic Method

Reconsolidation Therapy™ involves the use of a beta-blocking tablet called propranolol. The patient must take the propranolol 90 minutes before a session of psychotherapy to receive its full effect, as the molecule directly impacts the emotional brain.

The patient is asked to write a narrative of their trauma, in as much detail as possible, and must read it aloud at each session.

In order to weaken the emotional intensity of their memory, the patient repeats the same procedure at each weekly session, under the same conditions. In 70% of the cases, the patient feels more at ease by the end of the fourth session.

Testimonies from Road Accident Victims and Victims of Aggression who have Developed a PTSD

For 30 years, Alain Brunet has met hundreds of people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Through the numerous clinical trials he has conducted since 2005, Dr. Brunet has helped many people return to a normal life. All of these victims have suffered a severe traumatic shock and have undergone Reconsolidation Therapy™. Here are their testimonials.

One evening in November, I was driving on the highway, and there was freezing rain. Suddenly, I saw a big truck across the road, and lost control; I was about to go under the truck! I forcefully grabbed onto the steering wheel and ended up on the side of the van. Unexpectedly, a second truck emerges and hits the first truck hard. I saw the driver die instantly, crushed by the impact. The paramedics removed a leg! My whole life stopped; these images were stuck in my head. I suffered from flashbacks and sleeping disorders. I stopped working and was on antidepressants. I tried different therapies, but nothing relieved my symptoms!

When I started Dr. Brunet’s Reconsolidation Therapy™, I was told that I had to write my memory. This in itself was very painful, and I wasn’t sure if I would return for my second treatment. But after a week, the session was already less intense. As the sessions progressed, it was like describing a movie scene; I no longer had any emotion attached to the memory.

I remember the experience being negative, but just like any other memory. I no longer felt like I was in danger. In fact, I feel like I am back to the way I was before the accident. This experience has been very liberating.


A victim of a car accident (Montreal).

Alain Brunet’s Diagnosis of Virginie’s Treatment

At the beginning of each treatment session, Virginie is required to a tablet of propranolol. She is then asked to write down her traumatic memory. After she has written her story, physiological measurements are marked and confirm Virginie’s level of distress. Her increased pulse, slight sweating, and the tense muscles of her forehead show that she relives her emotional memory as intensely as the day of the accident.

After six weeks, Virginie’s story is read for the last time. After taking the physiological measures, we can see that the signs of distress have disappeared. Virginie still remembers the accident, but the intense emotion attached to it has disappeared.

Joël, 43, was held at gunpoint. “Twelve years ago, two armed men entered the pet store that I managed. They put a gun to my head and threatened to kill me.”

One of the criminals hit his head with the gun, and Joël played dead.

For years, he has had nightmares and flashbacks. He broke up with his partner and he quit a job he loved! Although usually an optimistic person, Joël says, “Inside, I felt like I was dying.”

During his first visit with Dr. Brunet, Joël wrote the details of his trauma. Once a week, for six weeks, he took a beta-blocker and read his story. At first, it was agony.

“I realized that all those emotions that I thought were erased, were not,” he says. But by the fifth session, Joël noticed a distinct change. “I wanted to smile. Suddenly, it was not me anymore.”


A victim of an armed attack (Montreal)

Doctor’s Diagnosis During Joel’s Treatment

During his last session, the doctor tested Joël’s physiological responses: his heartbeat, sweat, and facial muscles. His reactions were also tested when reading his narrative vs neutral narratives, such as a story about a beach. His physiological responses were similar in both scenarios. “The fire has been put out,” he says.

The statistics from Dr. Brunet’s treatment are convincing: the participants’ symptoms dropped by 50%. In fact, 70-80% of his subjects no longer meet the criteria for PTSD.

“People don’t want to erase their memories. They want to remember them, but without the pain.”

What is so fascinating about this research is the role it has on the function of memory. We often think of memory as a separate entity that is neatly wrapped in a loop, but our memory of a unique experience is scattered across different areas of the brain.

The neutral elements of the event – I was going home, a man attacked me – is located in the hippocampus. But the emotional trauma associated with this event – the anger against the man and the horror of this moment – is located in the amygdala. “When the memory is recalled, these two parts emerge together, like the sound and the image of a film”, says Alain Brunet.

Today, we are able to target the fear aspect of memory, but leave the details of what happened intact. “People cherish their memories, even their bad memories. They do not want them to be erased. They want to remember, but with less pain.”

Here's What the Press Has to Say About Revolutionary Therapy™

Alain Brunet’s Reconsolidation Therapy™ has enjoyed a wealth of media exposure, attesting to the challenge at hand and hope this treatment can bring to victims of PTSD.

Reconsolidation Therapy

Based on the latest discoveries in neuroscience, Reconsolidation Therapy™ has been the subject of much scientific research over the last 20 years, allowing today hindsight in its high efficiency. This innovative treatment method involves taking a beta-blocker (propranolol) before each 25 min. therapy session.

Reconsolidation Therapy™ aims to treat Trauma- and Stressor-related Disorders (DSM-5, 2013), like posttraumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorder, complicated grief. These disorders are typically caused by an emotional shock such as losses, bereavements, accidents, assaults, attacks, natural disasters, etc.

Training content

The training is taught in small groups by a clinician with extensive experience in using Reconsolidation Therapy™. This accredited course includes 16 hours of lessons (in person or online), spread over 2.5 days. It comes with a 6-hour academic reading program (in English), a copy of the ppt slides, and a personalized, reusable copy of the three step-by-step treatment protocols (Dx, Rx and Tx).

Cancellation and refund conditions

If the trainee cannot attend part of the training or all of the training, they will be offered the options to:

  • Postpone the training to a later date;
  • Attend the part of the training, which could not be followed, at a later date.

All sales are final. No refunds can be made by the training organization.

Responsibility of the training organisation/trainer (except in cases of force majeure)

If the trainer cannot give the training, the trainee will be offered a:

  • Substitute teacher: the trainee remains free to refuse this replacement;
  • Report of the training (the entirety of the training or only the sections missed of the training);
  • Reimbursement of the entire training

No financial compensation, other than the reimbursement of the training, will be paid by the training organization in the event of cancellation of the training.

Force majeure clause for the training organization (the service provider)

In cases of force majeure (transportation, strike, pandemic, pandemic, illness/accident of the trainer or a member of their family, natural disaster, failure to obtain visas, work permits or other permits, laws or regulations introduced subsequently, interruption of telecommunications, energy supply, communications or transport of any kind, or any other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the provider – a non-exhaustive list, the training organization cannot be held responsible for the cancellation or postponement of the training. The trainee will be offered a:

  • Reimbursement for training;
  • Substitute teacher: the trainee remains free to refuse this replacement;
  • Postponement of training (the entirety of the training or only the sections missed of the training).

No financial compensation other than the reimbursement of the training will be paid by the training organization in the event of cancellation of the training.

Case of force majeure clause for the trainee (the client)

In cases of force majeure (transportation, strike, pandemic, illness/accident of the trainee or a member of their family, natural disaster, failure to obtain visas, work permits or other permits, laws or regulations subsequently introduced, interruption of telecommunications, energy supply, communications or transportation of any kind, or any other circumstances beyond the trainee's reasonable control – a non-exhaustive list) , the trainee cannot be held responsible for their absence (a supporting document will be requested: doctor's note, etc.). The trainee will be offered a:

  • Reimbursement for training;
  • Training report (the entirety of the training or only the sections missed of the training).

No financial compensation other than the reimbursement of the training will be paid by the training organization in the event of cancellation of the training.

An approved training organization

CABA (CONSULTANTS ALAIN BRUNET & ASSOCIATES) Inc. is a business registered in Québec (Canada) that offers accredited training to mental health professionals. In Québec, the training is accredited by the Quebec Board of Psychologists and, by extension, by all Boards of professionals in the province of Québec. In the rest of Canada, the training is recognized by the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA).

In Switzerland, the trainings are recognized by the Fédération Suisse des Psychologues (FSP). For all other cases, we recommend that you check with your professional association whether you can obtain continuing education credits before you register for any training.

Who Should Attend ?

All professionals who can legally practice psychotherapy in their jurisdiction may attend this training. This typically includes board registered physicians (general practitioners and psychiatrists), psychiatric nurses, social workers,
psychologists, counselors, sexologists, and psychotherapists. It is not necessary to have prescribing privileges to attend the training or to use Reconsolidation Therapy™.

Reconsolidation Therapy

Based on the latest discoveries in neuroscience, Reconsolidation Therapy™ has been the subject of much scientific research over the last 20 years, allowing today hindsight in its high efficiency. This innovative treatment method involves taking a beta-blocker (propranolol) before each 25 min. therapy session.

Reconsolidation Therapy™ aims to treat Trauma- and Stressor-related Disorders (DSM-5, 2013), like posttraumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorder, complicated grief. These disorders are typically caused by an emotional shock such as losses, bereavements, accidents, assaults, attacks, natural disasters, etc.

Training content

The training is taught in small groups by a clinician with extensive experience in using Reconsolidation Therapy™. This accredited course includes 18 hours of lessons (in person or online), spread over 2 days, with an additional third day consisting of online supervision sessions with the trainer (selected at a later date). It comes with a 6-hour academic reading program (in English), a copy of the ppt slides, and a personalized, reusable copy of the three step-by-step treatment protocols (Dx, Rx and Tx).

Spécificités de la thérapie de la reconsolidation

Basée sur les dernières découvertes en neurosciences, la thérapie innovante de la Reconsolidation™ a fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches scientifiques permettant aujourd’hui un recul sur son efficience. Cette méthode associe la prise d’un agent pharmacologique à une psychothérapie brève.

Elle vise à traiter les troubles engendrés par des chocs émotionnels intenses (pertes, deuils, accidents, agressions, attentats, catastrophe naturelle). S’attachant à réparer les troubles post-traumatiques, elle est le marqueur d’un protocole thérapeutique innovant.

Contenu de la formation

La formation à la Méthode Brunet™ comprend 16 heures de cours, réparties sur 2,5 jours. Elle est assortie d’un programme de lecture de 6 heures (en anglais).

Pour connaitre avec précision le contenu de la formation et le programme d’apprentissage intégral, cliquez sur le lien de la page détaillée.

Elle vise à traiter les troubles engendrés par des chocs émotionnels intenses (pertes, deuils, accidents, agressions, attentats, catastrophe naturelle). S’attachant à réparer les troubles post-traumatiques, elle est le marqueur d’un protocole thérapeutique innovant.

A qui s’adresse cette formation ?

  • à tous les médecins (généralistes et psychiatres)
  • infirmiers, autres professionnels para-médicaux, travailleurs sociaux susceptibles de prendre en charge des patients atteints de troubles de SPT
  • aux psychologues, psychothérapeutes,
  • aux autres professionnels / thérapeutes : déjà formés aux TCC, à l’hypnothérapie, à l’EMDR, à la sexologie, à l’art-thérapie, à la psychanalyse, …

Cette formation permet d’apprendre à utiliser la Thérapie de la Reconsolidation™ appliquée à la résolution des traumas.

Un organisme de formation agréé

CABA (Les Consultants Alain Brunet et Associés) Inc. est une entreprise du Québec (Canada) qui propose des formations aux professionnels en santé mentale. Au Québec, les formations de CABA sont accréditées par l'Ordre des psychologues du Québec (OPQ) et, par extension, par TOUS les ordres professionnels du Québec. Au Canada les formations sont reconnues par la Société Canadienne de Psychologie (SCP).

CABA Inc. a obtenu l’agrément d’Organisme de Formation enregistré en France sous le NDA 93990559883. Les formations sont reconnues par le Datadock (France).

En Suisse, les formations de CABA Inc. sont reconnues par la Fédération Suisse des Psychologues (FSP). Pour les autres cas de figure, nous vous recommandons de vérifier avec votre association professionnelle de la reconnaissance desdits crédits avant de vous inscrire.

Possibilité de prise en charge de votre formation

En France, le professionnel installé en exercice libéral au moment de la formation peut faire une demande de financement de sa formation par le FIF-PL.

Vous trouverez de l’information sur le site www.fifpl.fr.

La formation sera bientôt éligible dans le cadre du Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF).

Conditions d'annulation et de remboursement

Si le stagiaire ne peut assister à une partie de la formation ou à la totalité de la formation : 

  • Il lui sera proposé, à la discrétion de CABA Inc. :
    •  un report de la formation à une date ultérieure.
    • d’assister à la partie de la formation qui n’a pas été suivie.
    • Aucun remboursement ne pourra être réalisé par l’organisme de formation.


Responsabilité de l’organisme de formation :

  • Si le formateur ne peut pas dispenser la formation, il sera proposé au stagiaire, à la discrétion de CABA Inc. : 
    • Un enseignant remplaçant.
    • Un report de formation (de la totalité de la formation ou seulement les heures manquantes de formation).
    • Un remboursement de la totalité de la formation. 
    • Aucun dédommagement financier autre que le remboursement de la formation ne sera payé par l’organisme de formation en cas d’annulation de la formation.